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3D software


Free CAD tools

There are several options for designing CAD models that can be used free of charge. Wikipedia has a list of such tools: Free computer-aided design software.

Blender is an open source 3D design tool. It is best suited for organic designs. At the moment Blender can be run without installation- simply download it to a folder, unpack and run. Blender is installed on ifiserv-6.ifi.uio.no
BRL-CAD is also an open source tool, mainly focusing on command-line input. There are possibilities using the mouse, but the interface is not very simple. It can export .stl files and other formats. Platforms: windows/linux/others.

Commersial CAD tools

Wikipedia has a long list of CAD tools: Computer-aided design software.

Solidworks is a traditional 3D CAD tool, best suited when you want to precisely define your machine parts. It is the most used 3D CAD program for building parts. UiO have invested in a site license for Solidworks through USIT. Solidworks can be downloaded from \\dist\winprog\lisens\solidworks (= p:\lisens\solidworks). To obtain access to the filegroup p-solidw (required for downloading) send an email to programvare@usit.uio.no. Licensing information from Usit
Rhino 3D is a proffesional tool, best suited for making good-looking advanced surfaces and organic structures. They have an eveluation version that can be used a few times. It has some limitations when it comes to smoothing complex corner structures. It is easy to learn how to use. Design examples
Maya 3D

STL Viewers

Minimagics is a free STL-viewer (single user only). When you have a design, try open your stl files in a another design, printing program or a viewer to make sure there are no defects, before printing.


objet studio is the 3D-printing utility for the Connex 500 machine. Here you may place your design in the tray, and select materials for each part in your build. Objet studio is installed on ifiserv-6.ifi.uio.no

Catalyst is the 3Dprinting software for the Dimension SST 768 machine. We have only license for installing catalyst on the machine connected to the printer.

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