TIAGo hardware

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7. Find the topic called /end_effector_camera. Click on /image_raw and then on "Image", as shown in the picture below.
7. Find the topic called /end_effector_camera. Click on /image_raw and then on "Image", as shown in the picture below.

Revision as of 16:41, 19 September 2023

This page contains tutorials for how to use the different attachments of TIAGo, like the endoscopic camera, NVIDIA Jetson, LEAP motion, and the tablet.

(This is a work in progress, so more instructions are coming.)


Endoscopic camera

The endoscope is a small camera that can be attached to TIAGo's end-effector, in order to visualize the view from the perspective of the end-effector. To set up the endoscope and run it, follow these steps:

1. Follow the instructions in the TIAGo handbook, page 301-306. Skip the part about visualizing the camera output, and instead, follow the next steps.

2. In another terminal on the development computer, enter the container:

 $ singularity shell --nv /projects/robin/programs/sing-con/ros-melodic-pal/ros-melodic-pal.sif

3. Source ROS and the workspace:

 $ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
 $ source /tiago_public_ws/devel/setup.bash

4. Remember to have the correct environment variables set:

 $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
 $ export ROS_IP=vixen-nb.uio.no

5. Then run the following command to run Rviz and bring up the robot:

 $ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find tiago_bringup`/config/tiago.rviz

6. To visualize the image, click on the buttons "Add" and then "By topic".

7. Find the topic called /end_effector_camera. Click on /image_raw and then on "Image", as shown in the picture below.



LEAP motion


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