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Before you start

Before starting to use TIAGo, make sure you have read and understood the start-up and shutdown procedure for TIAGo as described in the manual.


In a typical setup, TIAGo is set as ROS master. Subsequent machines and clients are configured as "slaves".


Connect to nettbrett

TIAGo is connected to the hidden network nettbrett. This network uses the same access points as eduroam. Thus you can operate TIAGo on all campus premises. Please contact the engineer here to connect your machine to nettbrett. Nettbrett is strictly for use with TIAGo or other robots.

Setup necessary environment variables

In order to resolve the hostname of the TIAGo a host alias must be created. In your home directory create a .hosts file. In said file include the following line

 tiago-135c tiago.uio.no

To use the host alias, specify ROS master and set ROS ip of your computer, include the following in your .bashrc file

 export HOSTALIASES=~/.hosts
 export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://tiago-135c:11311
 export ROS_IP=vixen-nb.uio.no

If you are not using anoat, replace anoat-nb.uio.no with the IP of your computer. Remember to source .bashrc after saving your modifications.

Set up ssh to TIAGo

Set up your ssh config file

 $ cd
 $ cd .ssh
 $ touch config

Copy the following into the config file

 Host tiago
   User pal
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tiago

Now that you have setup the ssh config file you may ssh into TIAGo using the command

 $ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 tiago

You should now be connected to TIAGo.

SSH Permission denied (publickey)

If you get the error above, make sure the .ssh directory and authorized_keys has the right permissions by running the following commands from your home directory.

 chmod 700 .ssh
 chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Operating TIAGo using the hand held controller

How to operate TIAGo is described in the manual.

Operating TIAGo using the web commander

To run premade motions, see the camera feed and for trouble shooting, the web commander may be used. This does not require you to be connected to the same network as TIAGo.

SSH into TIAGo using the command

 $ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 tiago

Open your browser of choice and go to the following url


This is the web commander.

Operating TIAGo using ROS from client machine

In general when using TIAGo you will run ROS commands and scripts from your client machine. For this purpose a singularity container has been created. The container is running Ubuntu 18.04 bionic with ROS melodic. Additionally the container has a pre-built work-space in /tiago_public_ws/

Open an interactive shell with the following command

 singularity shell --nv /projects/robin/programs/sing-con/ros-melodic-pal/ros-melodic-pal.sif

Navigate to /tiago_public_ws/ and source the necessary files

 $ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
 $ source devel/setup.bash

To test that your setup is working as intended try running the following command

 $ rosrun play_motion move_joint head_2_joint -0.6 2.0

If this moves the head of the robot your setup is working correctly. If not please review your environment variables. If the problem persists contact the engineer here For tutorials on how to operate TIAGo using ROS see the ROS wiki TIAGo Tutorial page



Dokumentasjon skrevet av Vincent Olsen

Har skrevet dokumentasjon for å hjelpe meg selv å komme i gang med Tiago så tar forebehold om skriveleif:))

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