Questa Sim

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Revision as of 12:35, 2 October 2019 by Vegardds (Talk | contribs)
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Questa on IFIs Linux clients

nano .bashrc

Append the following lines to the end of the .bashrc file:

# Questa 10.6c
export PATH=$PATH:/projects/nanus/eda/Mentor/2017_2018/Questa/questasim/bin

# Modelsim library 
export MODELSIM=/projects/robin/CADlib/modelsimCADLIB.ini

# Remove duplicants in the PATH variable
PATH=$(printf "%s" "$PATH" | awk -v RS=':' '!a[$1]++ { if (NR > 1) printf RS; printf $1 }')


Restart terminal.

Use the following command to launch Questa with GUI:


Font size

To change the font size in the text-editor edit the .modelsim file in your in e.g. nano. Find the variable textFontV2 and edit it to:

textFontV2 {Courier -12}

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