Installing on M:\

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Most installers comes with a self extracting .exe file that requires admin-privelegues to be run directly. However many such files are quite often nothing more than a zip- archive, that can be extracted using 7zip or any other unzipping program. Unzipping to your own home area (the M: disk) does not require any special privelegues.

Typically this can be done by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Pakk ut..." or "Extract...".

Environment variables

Sometimes, programs need Environment variables. The self extracting-exe tends to take care of those using admin privelegues, thus making the program available to all users. However if you are installing on your own disk area, you can use the program on any machine as long as the environment variable are set.

Without admin-privelegues you cannot set environment variables for all users, however you can set your own environment variables and paths command line:

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved 

Note that the cmd window will not be able to utilize the newly set environment variable, but it will remain as long as your profile lingers on the machine. To test that you set the variable correctly, simply open a new cmd window, and have the variable echoed:

> echo %MY_VARIABLE%


For students changing machines, you might want to create your own .bat script that does the setx command for you. (simply add the setx line to a text file and save on your desktop as <myScript>.bat)

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