HP Jet Fusion 540

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The HP Jet Fusion is unique here due to the usage of SLS technology rather than FDM. SLS stands for Selective Laser Sintering, which is an additive technique that uses a laser to sinter (harden) a powdered material. This gives the advantage that support material is not needed as each layer is already supported by the unsintered powder.

The Jet Fusion is great for creating large batches of the same model, printing complex geometry, and for creating strong parts. Keep in mind that post-processing of the parts is necessary, which potentially can be quite time-consuming.

Preparing your model

  1. Open your 3D model with HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager
  2. Create duplicates or add other desired parts
  3. Use auto-pack to spread the parts
  4. Make adjustments if necessary
  5. Press "Send to print" to submit your job to the printer
  6. Choose your print job at the printer

Tip on printing layout

Keep in mind that heat from sintered material rises, and to prevent warping or inconsistent prints make sure that heat is able to escape freely and not get trapped inside your model. In many cases, orienting the print so that the most material is sintered at the top can be a good idea.

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